Mittwoch, 10. August 2011

Lost and Found

Ja dieser Post ist wieder etwas neues. Heute moechte ich euch mal ein kleines Buch vorstellen, welches es mir echt angetan hat. Es ist eine kleine Geschichte und total putzig.  
Nehmt euch doch die 5Minuten und lest einmal: 

Once there was a boy and one day he found a penguin at his door. The boy didn't know where it had come from, but it began to follow him everywhere.

The penguin looked sad and the boy thought it must be lost. So the boy decidet to help the penguin find its way home. He checked in the Lost and Found Office. But no one was missing a penguin.

He asked some brids if they knew where the penguin came from. But they ignored him.
The boy asked his duck. But the duck floated away.

That night, the boy couldn't sleep for disappointment. He wanted to help the penguin but he didn't know how.

The next morning he discovered that penguins come from the South Pole. But how could he get there?
He ran down to the harbour and asked a big ship to take them to the South Pole. But his voice was much to small to be heard over the ships horn.

So together, he and the penguin would row to the South Pole. The boy took his rowboat out of the cupboard and they tested it for size and strengh. The packed everthing the would need....
and together they pushed the rowboat out to the see.

The rowed south for many days... and nights with the boy telling stories all the way. The penguin listend to everything that the boy said.
They floated through good weather and bad, when the waves were as big as mountains until they came to the South Pole.

The boy was delighted, but the penguin said nothing. Suddenly it looked sad again as the boy helped it out of the boat.
The boy said goodbye and floated away. But as he looked back, the penguin looked sadder than ever.
It felt strange to be on his own...and the more he thought the more he realised he was making a big mistake. 

 Quickly he turned the boat around and headed back to the South Pole as fast as he could. At last he reached the Pole again. But where was the penguin?
The boy searched but he was nowhere to be found.

Sadly the boy set off for home. There was no point telling stories because there was no one to listen.
But then the boy saw something in the water ahead of him. Closer and closer he got, until he could see...

the penguin!
And so the boy and his friend went home together, talking of wonderful things all the way.

Ist das nicht ein niedliches Buch? Ich lese es so gerne Leyla vor. Ich fand es so suess, dass ich es euch zeigen musste!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Die Geschichte ist wirklich total niedlich :3 Und die Zeichnungen sind auch hübsch, der Pinguin sieht so knuffig aus ^.^

    Mit der Kleinigkeit, die mich so erfreut hat, meinte ich das Buch, was ich bekommen habe :) Aber ich merk gerade selbst, dass der Bezug nicht ganz so klar war xD
    Und wenn du so viel in Kontakt stehst mit deinen Freunden, dann wird sich das sicher nach deiner Rückkehr auch nicht ändern :) Ich finds jedenfalls ganz toll, dass du das machst!
